How to Shave over a Tattoo

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As a man, you might wonder if it’s possible to shave over a tattoo and keep the ink looking good. The answer is yes – but there are some things you need to know first.

While tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, many people still don’t know the best way to care for them.

This post will discuss the best ways to shave over a tattoo and how to avoid damaging the ink.

We’ll also share some tips for taking care of your skin after shaving over a tattoo. Keep reading for more information!

Trim the hair around your tattoo

Trimmer and scissors

Anyone who has ever gotten a tattoo knows that the healing process can be itchy and uncomfortable.

To help relieve the itch and allow the tattoo to heal properly, it is important to avoid shaving the area around it until it is completely healed.

However, this can sometimes be difficult, as hair often starts to grow back before the tattoo is fully healed. In these cases, knowing how to trim the hair around a tattoo properly is important before shaving.

The first step is to disinfect your scissors or clippers.

Then, gently trim the hair as close to the skin as possible without touching the tattoo. Once the hair is trimmed, you can then shave the area with a clean razor.

Apply shaving cream or gel to the area

Man using shaving gel to shave over a tattoo

Shaving is a daily ritual for many people, but it can be especially tricky when you have a tattoo. If you don’t take the proper precautions, you could damage your ink.

That’s why it’s essential to apply shaving cream or gel to your tattoo before you start shaving. The thick, creamy texture will help to protect your skin from the razor blade.

It will also provide a slick surface for the blade to glide over, reducing the risk of nicks and cuts. As a bonus, shaving cream or gel will help to soften the hair, making it easier to get a close shave.

Shave carefully

Man shaving over a tattoo

Once you’ve applied shaving cream or gel to your tattoo, it’s time to start shaving.

Be sure to use a clean razor and shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the grain can irritate the skin and cause ingrown hairs.

If using an electric razor, be extra careful not to press it too hard. Electric razors can heat up quickly, and if they come into contact with your tattoo, they can cause burns.

You could also remove some of the colors if you’re not careful.

Rinse the area with cold water

Man with tattoo taking cold shower

One of the most important things you can do to take care of your tattoo is to make sure you rinse the area with cold water immediately after shaving.

This will help to soothe the skin and prevent any further tattoo irritation. In addition, it is important to pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Be sure not to rub, as this can cause further damage. If you are using an aftershave, applying it with a cotton ball or swab rather than directly on the tattoo is best.

Moisturize your skin

Man using moisturizer

Any seasoned shaver knows that one of the most important steps in the shaving process is to moisturize afterward.

This is especially true if you have a tattoo. When you shave, you are essentially exfoliating your skin. This can cause dryness and irritation and even lead to infection.

Moisturizing helps to soothe the skin and lock in moisture, keeping your tattoo healthy and looking its best.

In addition, it helps to protect the tattoo from environmental damage, such as wind and sun.

Related: Skin Care For Men: Your Questions Answered

Various products are specifically designed after shaving, so you can find one that works best for your skin type. Don’t let your tattoo suffer – moisturize after every shave.


Does shaving over a tattoo make it fade?

Shaving over a tattoo will not make it fade, but it can cause the ink to spread out and become blurry.

This is because when you shave, you are essentially exfoliating your skin. This process can remove some of the top layers of skin, causing the tattoo ink to spread.

Shaving can irritate the skin and cause inflammation. This can also lead to the ink becoming blurry.

If you want to avoid these problems, it is best to wait until your tattoo is fully healed before shaving over it.

How often should I shave over my tattoo?

It would be best to wait until your tattoo is fully healed before shaving over it.

Once it is healed, you can shave as often as needed. However, if you find that your tattoo is becoming irritated after shaving, you may want to reduce the frequency you shave over it.

Will hair grow over a tattoo?

Hair can grow over a tattoo, but it is not likely to affect it. The tattoo ink is injected into the dermis, the middle layer of skin.

This layer is below the epidermis, the top layer of skin. The hair follicles are located in the epidermis. This means that the hair follicles are not likely to come into contact with the tattoo ink.

However, if the hair follicles contact the tattoo ink, the hair may grow discolored.

Can you veet over a tattoo?

It would help if you did not use Veet over a tattoo.

This is because Veet is a chemical depilatory, which means it breaks down the hair shaft. It can irritate the skin and cause inflammation.

If you want to remove hair from your tattooed area, it is best to do so with a physical method, such as shaving.

How many days does it take for a tattoo to heal?

Most people heal from a tattoo within two to four weeks, though it can take longer for larger or more complicated tattoos.

Once the tattoo is healed, it will likely remain vibrant for many years. You can do a few things to help your tattoo heal quickly and prevent infection, including keeping the area clean, applying antibiotic ointment, and avoiding sun exposure.

If you take care of your tattoo during the healing process, you’ll be able to enjoy your new body art for years to come.


Next: The Pros and Cons of Shaving Dry


Stone C.

Stone C.

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